Luxury and designer handbags are the best way to upgrade a simple look to an effortless elegant one. Buying your purse at the retail price is reasonable, but it is not the only option. Most fashion-conscious women are looking for great deals, and most times, buying retail can be pricey. Sometimes the bag that you are looking for is no longer available in the retail stores. If you are in this position, then you should consider buying pre-loved, pre-owned bags.
Another great thing about buying luxury designer bags is that they can be an investment. This is usually if you invest in classic or limited-edition pieces. Although it is more affordable, navigating this market can be challenging if it is your first time. Before you spend substantial money on your first preloved bag, here are some things to consider.
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1.You will pay about 30% to 70% less
The best part of buying pre-loved designer bags is the price. Although you will still pay a lot of money, you will pay less by 30% to 70% percent. To get the best deal buy from more established luxury brands, as pieces from these brands will retain their value and maybe even appreciate over the years.
If you intend to buy from a more recent brand, ensure that you don’t spend more than $700, even if it is much less than the original retail price. That is because it is impossible to tell whether it will retain its value.
2.Do a lot of research
The most crucial step to take when you are dipping your feet into the luxury market is doing due diligence and carrying out extensive research. This doesn’t only entail having a look at all the existing preloved and vintage stores online. It would be best to read several forums and blogs that have reviews on each of the bags you are interested in. After getting adequate information and settling on the bags you like, you could compare the various online resale websites’ prices.
You might also want to compare the resale prices to the original retail prices. If the pre-owned bags are too cheap, then the chances are that they are not authentic as a luxury bag will still cost a lot of money even when pre-owned.
3.Hire a specialist
Once you settle on the right bag, you may still be unsure about its authenticity. Even when you have gone through all the authentication guidelines, it may always be a good idea to hire an authentication specialist. Having extra security is essential when you are not an expert. You can search the market for independent specialists or even work with a company specializing in these authentications.
Designer pieces are long-wearing because they are very well made. They will be an essential addition that can be worn over time and last in your wardrobe. Therefore, before deciding to purchase one, ensure that you are purchasing an authentic classic piece that will also be an investment.